Tuesday, February 16, 2010

BART Pub Golf - WOW!

Now that was a party!  I cant believe we had 20 people turn out for this event, it was even better than I had hoped!  I put quite a bit of time into lining out each hole in each city and setting up discounts for our massive group...  Awesome!

For starters - ALL players must be dressed in suitable golf attire to participate in the event. An Official also was appointed to regulate the events running and enforce any penalty shot for misconduct of the rules.

For those who weren't there, we held a BART Pub Golf tournament on Feb 6th, 2010.  You might ask what Pub Golf is... well its a 9 hole series of pubs where you keep score along the way and compete with your closest friends.  It's 9 holes because each hole (pub) has to be completed in 10min or under.  Mixing many different *waters and *sodas can be difficult when it comes to 18 so for safety reasons, we do 9, haha.  Scores are tracked as follows:

Pub 5 - Guinness - Par 4.  This means that the Guinness must be finished within 4 sips in under 10 min.  If you get a hole in 1 then you are doing well but if you drink it in 5 then you are falling behind.  The person with the lowest score at the end wins!

So that is Pub Golf... I figured, lets take this a step further.  What on earth would keep us from taking this concept and stretching it from here (Walnut Creek) to San Francisco hitting holes along the way?  Safety First!  It just so happens that there is a Public Transportation System called Bay Area Rapid Transit or BART that runs between the two. 

You should have seen the look on peoples faces as we hopped on and off BART explaining our story as to why we were so ridiculously dressed.   We even recruited the VP of a company (that I wont mention) that was on his way to do some Saturday work and figured... "This is something I just couldn't pass up!"

All in all I deemed the event a complete success!  This was a trial run for what will soon come to be many events based around Safety, Fun, Good Friends and Making New Ones!  Ace took home the WWF Heavy Weight Bling Belt.  He was the only one to get a Hole in One at every hole.  Congrats Ace!  There were several runner ups but as this one goes... only first place counts!

Thank you all so much for making it such a fun day!  Keep an eye on my blog for when we will be doing our next Golf Outing!!!  This time it will be for charity and you will get to shave off points for recruiting and spreading the word about Revolving Threads! I will try to get bigger discounts but good lord... I've never had so much fun with such a big event for so cheap.  Here's to planning!!! Cheers!

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