Monday, June 28, 2010

Denver to Indy

Finished off the last night and morning in Denver and prepared for my 18 hour drive to Indy.  Thank you Stacy and Drew for the very relaxing time in Boulder.  I always have a blast hanging out with you two and enjoy the great conversations we have.   Boulder is a beautiful place and every time I go there I feel centered.  I don't know if its the location, the people I get to hang out with or a combo deal but it always helps get my mind straight.

As I pulled away from Denver I looked back and saw all the snow that I drove through just a couple days prior.  I had a bunch of you ask if that was really what I drove through in the middle of June... Here's a picture for you from afar!  Legit! haha.  It was so pretty and I kept trying to take pictures without stopping but it just wasn't working.

So I got out :)

Too bad I didn't stop before that beautiful gigantic sign hanging in the pic, haha.

The day was perfect for driving and its a good thing because I had quite the drive ahead of me.  I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it 18 hours to Indy but I was certainly going to try.  I had woken up late and took longer to get ready than I anticipated, so that was going to make it tougher as I would have to drive all the way through the night again.  Oh well, gotta try!

My dad kept lecturing me on pulling over and sleeping if I needed to and I heard it from my sister as well.  She said  "you cant change peoples lives from 6 feet under ground." My dad said  "Don't try to be a cowboy out there, pull over and sleep if you need to... A cowboy can't ride his horse while sleeping can he?"  The logic was piled against me so smacking myself repeatedly and shaking my head for an hour was out of the question this time.  Shucks!  I have a picture to insert here but I'm saving it for my new website that I'll be launching in 6 months... I'll reference it then!

Around dinner time I was going to be near Kansas City Missouri.  I have never heard much about it so I figured I'd pull over and check it out!  To my surprise, it was actually an amazing place.  I ate dinner at this micro-brewery called The Foundry at McCoy's and had an amazing Oatmeal Beer.  It was perfect and I wanted to buy some bottles but they are too small of a brewery to bottle.  Hopefully some day soon :)  I would drive back just for that beer!  I sat on the HUGE patio dining area... Very chill and laid back feel but young at the same time.  I had some good conversation with the tenders and met a guy from NY doing business there.  He told me about Foursquare... So I "checked in" to the place we were eating as my first check in!  Fun Fun.  We exchanged info and will be doing business with ViSalus together in the near future! Boom!

From there it was another long hike to Indy where I was going to be meeting Don and Rachel at their new pad.  My very good OLD OLD friend from about 5 years old, Laura Scouden, also lives there with her husband and new little addition so I was looking forward to meeting up with everyone.  On this leg of the journey, I took everyone's advice and took a 20min nap when I got too tired to stay awake while driving, haha.  Such great advice!  I got in at 7am and couldn't wait to hit the pillow... What a crazy trip so far!  Loving catching up with everyone and seeing my family :)  Love you all!

It's easy to be successful... quite possibly easier than being unsuccessful. All you need is a shift in your mindset!

Monday, June 14, 2010

SF to Vegas to Denver

 It's been a great trip so far!  I got started a little late because I normally can pack quickly but when attempting a 3 week road trip, there's a little bit of planning involved in the packing.  1:30pm I got on the road and was able to enjoy the weather as I drove.  Saw some kind of ginormous fire near Tracy that smelled like fresh lumber.  If I had some marshmallows in the back I may have pulled over but all I packed was tuna fish and peanut butter and jelly.

I made it safely to Vegas and after making a few calls I located some friends that would be in town.  Dave Bengel (a business partner of mine) was there for an audio visual convention but I think he really just had a great excuse to gamble.  He taught me what's so exciting about poker, haha.  I searched for couches to crash on but my high school friend moved back in with his parents (no go) and my college friend Erin was there for her birthday but had 6 people in their room already.  Luckily, I was able to rent a cot and crash at Daves for $30 bones on the strip!

After my 10 hour drive, straight to the casino, drinks, walking the town all night we got in at around 7am and up at 10 to shower up and check out of the room.  Time to start my journey to Denver to visit my sister!  Before I left I wanted to recoup the $ I spent on my $15 redbull vodka's all night so I hit up a blackjack table for a half hour and made my Vegas trip a free one!  Jumped in the car and started my 12 hour drive to Visit Stacy!

With little sleep, I figured a 12 hour drive should be a cinch right? lol... wrong!  My first 10 hours were great.  I love the open road and having the chance to clear my mind and contemplate the universe.  Well 10 hours is about enough time to do that with the radio off.  Once the sun set it got a little hard to keep my eyes open.  The last two hours of the leg I spent shaking my head vigorously, eating sunflower seeds, jerky, loud music singing along at the top of my lungs, and even slapping myself across the face.  I was so close but after waking up to the ribs of the shoulder of the highway several times I decided to do a couple 30min intervals of sleeping on the side of the road and driving.  Works every time, haha.

The sun started peaking out and I was just entering the last set of mountain ranges on the 70.  It was snowing, and yes, it was June 13th.  The light from the dawn was enhanced by the snow all around me and I could finally stay awake without kicking my own ass.  It was a good thing too because I just so happened to be entering a snow storm in the mountains, haha.  Sweet!  This was good news since I was driving a sport 2 seater with rear wheel drive.  Luckily I was the only idiot on the road because my car was sliding all over the entire highway.  I'm not sure if I was ever once in a straight line.  I had to take my traction control off or else my car wouldn't even move, haha.  I made a 15 mile climb with my wheels spinning the entire way.  Every so often a semi would go by me and I would quickly move into his tracks in an attempt to gain a little traction.  It was quite humourus if you could have seen my anxiety cause if you know me, then you know I'm extremely relaxed in almost any driving condition.  This was too much for even me.  I didn't stop or I would have been stuck and I finally made it over the crest of the mountain and to my good fortune the steep portion of the down hill was a huge tunnel!  I'm such a lucky individual :)

After a few more waking up on the shoulder of the roads I made it safely to Stacy and Drews place in Boulder, CO.  We hung out yesterday, Stacy and Drew made some deliciuous diner (I think they should start their own restaurant) and we went out for a chocolate treat with a good Port!  I'm here today and a beautiful lightning storm just finished as I'm sitting outside this coffee shop typing and its PERFECT out now with the sun shining!  I'm doing some business ViSalus business here in Boulder and my next destination is Indianapolis!  More business... more friends... more memories!  Thank you all for being a part of my journey!

It's easy to be successful... quite possibly easier than being unsuccessful. All you need is a shift in your mindset!